5 Best Popular Vacation Spots In Hawaii

5 Best popular vacation spots in Hawaii

 5 Best Popular Vacation Spots in Hawaii


Hawaiian Islands are a favorite spot to many vacationers who are on a tour of the US. And with spectacular attractions and incredible locations, you won’t miss your favorite spot in these islands. The first time you step into Hawaii, you’ll probably be thinking of the best Hawaii Island to venture into.

Good news is you’ll find tons of islands here, and each has its unique features and therefore traveling to the next island will enable you get a different experience from the previous one. Well, and if you enjoy the beauty of the tropics, then Hawaii is a paradise you should always include in your travel itinerary.

Whether you love the verdant vegetation, sandy beaches or the cerulean waters, then you’ll find an array of natural beauty in this location. But the numerous islands, resorts and other attractions may confuse you, so we have come up with this guide to help you choose the best Hawaii destination when you come visiting.


Top Five Ideas for Vacation in Hawaii


1. Na Pali Coast, Kauai

Well, if you’re looking for the best couple Hawaii destination, then visit the Na Pali Coast in Kauai.

You can access this coastal range via boat, hiking or helicopter and is one of the best places to venture into in the entire world.

Best popular vacation spots in Hawaii

Here, you will find lush and emerald-hued pinnacles towering near the shoreline plus some magnificent waterfalls

and velvet green cliffs that lead into deep and narrow valleys.

And as of now, it doesn’t look much different like it was many years ago when many people were living in the valleys

and depending on the food they were growing and the fish in the nearby streams.

You should book a tour to this coast and enjoy the action-packed adventure.

It would help if you traveled via the Kalalau Trail that is 22 miles round with narrow switchbacks, cliff-hugging turns and some drop-offs.

And if you feel you are not enough for the daunting hiking, then book a helicopter or boat tours to enables you to watch every spectacular view while closer to the water.


2. Wailua Falls, Kauai

Wailua Falls is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Kauai, and the good news is that it’s easily accessible. And if the name is familiar to you, then it’s probably because you watched it in the television series of the 70s called “Fantasy Island”. The water falls to almost 90 feet into a deep pool located at the base.

Wailua Best popular vacation spots in hawaii

You’ll get the perfect views of this waterfall from above, and there is a legendary story that says that Hawaiian warriors used to test their bravery by jumping from the fall’s top to the bottom.

But don’t try it though as its fatal and you would not want to go home with an injury that could be avoided. Also, at times when the sun allows, you can locate the rainbow as it extends from the falls outfoxing the mist.


3. Check a Volcano or Two

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is situated in the “Big Island” and consists of Mauna Loa and Kilauea volcanoes.  And if you have never seen a nearby volcano before, then make sure you visit this Hawaiian area.

Once you land here, travel through the Crater Rim Drive to view the Kilauea summit. You can also access the East Rift from the Chain of Craters.

Finally, there are many coastal areas in this national park that are ideal for travels during school holidays and festive seasons. But if you don’t like meeting large crowds, then go during holidays and avoid Christmas seasons.

Once here, visit the summit of Kilauea via Crater Rim Drive, or take the Chain of Craters Road to see the East Rift and more coastal areas of the park. There are many lava flows and hiking trails in the park, and you only need to venture to those that interest you. If you also want to see the ultimate strength of volcanic eruptions, then go to the Kilauea Iki Crater’s rim.

From this spot, you can see how the eruption has devastated a large bare ground area and even the forested area.


4. USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor

Though it’s our second last spot in Hawaii, this memorial located in Honolulu is the top destination for tourists across Africa, Europe and Asia.

Pearl Harbor Best popular vacation spots in Hawaii

Every year over 2 million vacationers visit this memorial to view the spot where World War II began in.

And looking here, you will find over nine historical sites that heavily contributed to this world war.

They are found in Pacific National Monument in Alaska, Hawaii and California.

Five of them are found in this harbor and are the USS Utah Memorial, USS Arizona Memorial, USS Oklahoma Memorial, Ford Island and Battleship Row.

You can find a free tour in this memorial each day from 8 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon.


5. Waimea Canyon

It’s not over yet and as you prepare to wind up your Hawaii visit, then visit this beautiful Waimea Canyon before returning to your home.

And when most vacationers venture into Hawaii, they rarely complete their trip without visiting this destination.

And though it’s not popular like the Grand Canyon, it remains the most popular Canyon in the Pacific and with a length of 10 miles and 3600 feet depth; you’ll find this spot very amazing. It is part of Koke State park, and once you arrive, there is a myriad of activities including taking a picnic or hiking in the few trails.  Well, it’s not a place to chill out and relax so I would recommend you leave your kids at home.

If you’re looking for a vacation spot in Hawaii, then you’ll enjoy the fantastic attractions, historical sites and quiet atmosphere ideal for romantic getaways. Make sure you make your trip reservations earlier and book your accommodation earlier enough so that you will get enough time for fun. Also, the best way to venture here is to book a tour so that you won’t have to pay for each attraction or site.

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